Sara Kremsar

Sara Kremsar's Daily Routine

A deep dive into how she schedules her day, how she manages work, delegation, flow state, nutrition, workouts, and much more.

My journey began with a simple curiosity about business structures, how businesses operate, and effective management, leading me to pursue a Master's degree in Business Systems Engineering. Initially, it was a quest for knowledge, but it quickly transformed into a mission.

In 2017, OPTIMOD ( was founded not just as a business but as a commitment to helping fellow entrepreneurs. We became the storytellers of success by collecting insights from over 100 CEOs and leaders and sharing their remarkable journeys through our "Improving Entrepreneurial Journey" initiative.



Can you provide a brief overview of your entrepreneurial journey and the business you're currently involved in?

My journey began with a simple curiosity about business structures, how businesses operate, and effective management, leading me to pursue a Master's degree in Business Systems Engineering. Initially, it was a quest for knowledge, but it quickly transformed into a mission.

In 2017, OPTIMOD ( was founded not just as a business but as a commitment to helping fellow entrepreneurs. We became the storytellers of success by collecting insights from over 100 CEOs and leaders and sharing their remarkable journeys through our "Improving Entrepreneurial Journey" initiative.

However, I aspired to do more than provide business consultation and insights through our initiative. As I ventured into the entrepreneurial world, I envisaged an Education Center, a place where traditional learning converged with the magic of inspiration. It was about connecting like-minded individuals, unlocking a deeper understanding of our world, and kindling the flames of ambition to reach new heights.

My journey is characterized by sharing, exploring uncharted territories, embracing resilience, chasing grand visions and, most importantly, extending a helping hand to elevate the entrepreneurial community.

Today, OPTIMOD encompasses four core pillars:

We are in a constant state of growth and evolution, driven by our unwavering commitment to support entrepreneurship, learning and personal development.

How do you define success, and how has your daily routine contributed to your achievements?

Success, to me, is about achieving a sense of fulfillment, making a positive impact, and constantly growing. It's not just about financial gains but also about the difference I make in the lives of others.

My daily routine plays a vital role in my achievements. I begin each day with clarity, setting clear goals and priorities. I prioritize tasks that align with my long-term vision and spend time on activities that drive both personal and professional growth.

Consistency in learning is another crucial aspect of my routine. I dedicate time to acquiring new knowledge and staying updated with industry trends. This continuous learning keeps me adaptable and innovative.

Networking is also a key part of my daily routine. I connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and learn from their insights. These connections have opened doors to collaboration and new opportunities.

In summary, success, to me, is the result of clear goals, continuous learning, meaningful connections, and a daily routine that prioritizes growth and making a positive impact.

Morning Routine

What time do you usually wake up, and how do you start your day?

I wake up early, around 5 to 6 AM. First things first, I feed my six cats. Then, it's time for my morning pick-me-up, either a cup of Barcaffe or an occasional Red Bull.

I don't eat breakfast, but I do make sure to fill up a water bottle to stay hydrated. Heading back to my home office, I fire up my workstation, and the workday begins. I start by checking emails, prioritizing tasks, and setting the tone for a productive day.

Do you follow any specific morning rituals or exercises to set a positive tone for the day?

I don't work out in the morning; instead, I opt for a quick stretching session to gently wake up my body. While I do enjoy long walks by the river or in the forest, I usually save those for later in the day. My morning routine is quite minimal and simple.

One thing I really cherish is opening all the windows wide to let the fresh morning air flow through the entire house. There's something magical about the early morning scent and the soothing sounds of birds welcoming the day, along with the sun rising.

Before I dive into my work, I make sure to spend a few moments giving my cats some morning cuddles. It's my way of ensuring they're content and won't disrupt me during my focused work time.

Planning and Prioritization

How do you plan and organize your tasks for the day? Do you use any specific tools or apps for task management?

I plan and organize my daily tasks through a structured approach. I begin by creating a to-do list, either the night before or in the morning, outlining the tasks I need to complete.

To help me stay organized, I use digital task management tools and apps. I find them highly effective in tracking deadlines, prioritizing tasks, and preventing anything from slipping through the cracks.

I categorize tasks based on their importance and urgency, and I allocate specific time blocks to focus on them. This method allows me to use my time efficiently and ensures that I address the most critical tasks first.

Microsoft Outlook Calendar plays a central role in my task management strategy. It enables me to merge multiple calendars, seamlessly integrating both professional and personal tasks. This integration offers a comprehensive overview of all my responsibilities, making it easier to plan and organize my day effectively. I rely on MS Outlook & Calendar for scheduling and time management. It assists me in coordinating meetings, appointments, and deadlines while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Throughout the day, I routinely review and update my task list to stay on top of my responsibilities and adapt to any unexpected changes or new priorities. It's a systematic way to make the most of my work hours.

Could you share your approach to prioritizing tasks and making to-do lists?

My approach to prioritizing tasks and making to-do lists involves categorizing tasks into four main groups:

By categorizing tasks in this way, I ensure that I address time-sensitive matters promptly, focus on important long-term goals, efficiently manage my time for complex tasks, and make effective use of my time with smaller, easier tasks. This systematic approach helps me balance the demands of my work and stay organized.

Two similar and well-known methods are the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks into four quadrants based on urgency and importance, and the Getting Things Done (GTD) system, created by David Allen, which involves capturing, clarifying, organizing, reflecting, and engaging with tasks. GTD emphasizes getting tasks out of your mind and into a trusted system. I would suggest looking up these methods for more information.

Workspace and Environment

Can you describe your workspace setup? What elements are crucial for your productivity?

I've set up two distinct office spaces within my home, each tailored to specific tasks, which I find crucial for maintaining productivity: Primary Workstation and Meeting Room.

Both of these office spaces have been thoughtfully designed to cater to my work and meeting requirements, ensuring that I strike a balance between productivity and comfort. This separation of spaces allows me to switch gears effortlessly, maintaining a professional and organized work environment at home.

Are there any specific tools, gadgets, or software you use to optimize your work environment?

Workstation (Workspace):

My primary workspace is a dedicated area for focused work, equipped with elements that enhance productivity:

Dual Monitors: I have two Dell monitors that provide ample screen real estate for efficient multitasking and research.

Laptop: An Asus ROG Strix laptop serves as my workhorse for various tasks and projects, offering flexibility and power.

Mouse: A Logitech mouse adds precision and control to my workflow.

Ergonomic Desk: My partner and I have crafted a self-made ergonomic, adjustable desk, thoughtfully assembled with different parts to suit our preferences. This desk helps me maintain a comfortable posture during long work hours.

Office Chair: An imported leather office chair from Nowy Styl in Poland ensures I can work comfortably for extended periods.

Microphone: To facilitate clear communication during video calls and virtual meetings, I have an integrated microphone.

Meeting Room:

My second office space is designed primarily for virtual meetings, ensuring a dedicated and professional backdrop:

Monitor: It includes a single Dell monitor to manage meetings, presentations, and video calls.

Desk: This desk is wooden, although not ergonomic or adjustable. While not as customizable as my primary workspace, it serves its purpose during meetings.

Flowers: I've added a bunch of flowers to this room, as I can't place them in other parts of the house to keep them away from my curious cats. This touch of nature creates a more pleasant atmosphere for video calls.

Chair: The chair in the primary workstation room isn't fixed in place, providing flexibility to move it around as needed.

Time Management

How do you manage your time throughout the day? Are there any techniques you follow, such as time blocking or the Pomodoro technique?

In terms of my daily schedule, I prefer to start my day early, typically at 6 AM. These initial two hours from 6 to 8 AM provide me with uninterrupted focus and a productive head start.

Following this, I schedule all my meetings and calls from 8 AM to around lunchtime at 12 or 1 PM. This allows me to engage with colleagues, clients, and collaborators during the most communicative and interactive part of the day.

After lunch, I designate the afternoon as a dedicated period for focused work. During this time, I avoid calls and meetings, enabling me to concentrate on completing tasks, preparing for the next day, strategizing, and getting the essential work done. This focused work segment is invaluable for productivity and accomplishing important goals.

I manage my time effectively throughout the day using a combination of techniques that keep me organized and productive. 

These strategies include:

Time Blocking: I embrace the practice of time blocking, allocating specific time blocks for various tasks. By dedicating focused intervals to individual tasks, I reduce distractions and enhance my efficiency. Additionally, I categorize tasks based on their importance and urgency, scheduling them accordingly.

Prioritization: Before commencing my workday, I engage in the essential process of task prioritization. This enables me to identify and address the most critical tasks promptly, taking advantage of the period when my focus is at its peak.

Microsoft Outlook Calendar: Microsoft Outlook Calendar plays a central role in my time management. It assists me in coordinating meetings, appointments, and deadlines. With this tool, I ensure that I am well-informed about upcoming commitments and can plan my day accordingly.

Routine Review: Throughout the day, I maintain a routine of regularly reviewing and updating my task list. This practice allows me to remain on top of my responsibilities and adapt to any unexpected changes or new priorities that may arise.

Healthy Breaks: I integrate brief, reenergizing breaks into my daily schedule to recharge and prevent burnout. These breaks often involve activities like a short walk or stretching to refresh my mind and keep my energy levels up.

Do you delegate tasks or outsource certain activities to focus on high-value tasks?

Yes, I believe in the importance of delegation and outsourcing to free up time for high-value tasks. Delegating tasks and activities that are routine, time-consuming, or outside my expertise allows me to concentrate on activities that have a more significant impact on my goals and projects.

I delegate tasks to team members or colleagues when working within a collaborative environment. This ensures that responsibilities are shared efficiently and that each team member can contribute their unique strengths to the project.

I also outsource specific activities to experts or professionals when needed. Outsourcing to specialists not only saves time but also frequently leads to a higher quality of work, which is of utmost importance to me. I firmly believe in the 'Quality over Quantity' principle, and that's why we've established a Partner Ecosystem at OPTIMOD that revolves around it.

By delegating and outsourcing, I can maintain my focus on strategic planning, decision-making, and tasks that require my specific expertise, ultimately increasing my overall productivity and effectiveness.

Communication and Networking

How do you handle emails and communication during the workday?

In the morning, my first task is to sift through the emails I've received. I categorize them based on their priority, urgency, and the level of attention they require. This initial categorization sets the stage for managing emails throughout the day.

After this initial categorization, I allocate specific time to respond to emails that don't demand extensive effort on my part to reply. This ensures that quick and straightforward responses are promptly addressed.

Once I've taken care of these, I move on to emails that require action on my part. These are the messages where my active involvement is necessary to advance work processes or address specific tasks. Handling these emails promptly is essential to ensure the smooth flow of projects and responsibilities.

Following the handling of actionable emails, I shift my focus to sorting emails by priority. This involves tackling the most critical and time-sensitive emails first.

Additionally, I firmly believe in maintaining a commitment to email responsiveness. I strive to respond to every email within 24 hours, even if it's just to acknowledge receipt and outline the next steps, including when a more detailed response can be expected. This practice helps manage expectations and ensures that all email communication is acknowledged and addressed efficiently.

This structured approach to email management enables me to stay organized, responsive, and efficient, while also ensuring that important tasks and projects receive the attention they deserve.

Are there any particular tools or platforms you use to stay connected with your team and professional network?

I use a range of tools and platforms to stay connected with my team and professional network. To accommodate the preferences of clients and partners, I utilize various communication tools, including MS Teams, Slack, Zoom, and Skype for general correspondence and meetings. These platforms offer flexibility and efficiency in managing team communications and facilitating virtual meetings.

For maintaining and expanding my professional network, I rely on LinkedIn as my primary platform. It serves as a valuable space to connect with industry peers, share insights, and discover new opportunities, enhancing my professional presence and connections.

In addition to these digital communication tools, I recognize the enduring importance of traditional email, particularly through Microsoft Outlook. Email remains essential for one-on-one communication, sharing documents, and official correspondence, ensuring effective and formalized interactions.

To further strengthen my professional network, I actively engage with professional organizations related to my field. These memberships provide access to networking events and platforms that facilitate connections, knowledge exchange, and collaborations with peers in the industry.

Additionally, at OPTIMOD, we foster collaboration and communication through our Partner Ecosystem and Education Center, creating spaces where interaction, learning, and innovation flourish.

Health and Well-being

What role does physical exercise play in your daily routine? How do you incorporate it into your busy schedule?

I recognize the importance of regular exercise, but I admit that I haven't been as consistent with it as I should be. I often attribute this inconsistency to a knee injury I experienced, but in reality, it's more about not making exercise a top priority in my daily life.

I do enjoy long walks by the river or in the forest, but I'm making an effort to become more active. This includes activities like cycling, venturing into the hills, or even incorporating home workouts.

As for my daily routine, it currently includes a morning stretching session, an afternoon walk, and some evening playtime with my cat. While these activities are a good start, I acknowledge that there's room for improvement, and I need to dedicate more time and effort to exercise to fully reap its benefits.

How do you ensure you're maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated during the day?

I don't consider myself a role model in terms of a healthy diet and exercise. Currently, I typically have only one meal a day in the late afternoons, and I acknowledge this isn't a healthy practice. However, I do plan to make changes in the near future. The same applies to my exercise routine; it's not about making excuses but rather a matter of not prioritizing it in my daily life.

As for staying hydrated, I make an effort to keep a water bottle nearby, but I often forget to drink from it. This is an area I plan to improve in the future.

In my roadmap for change, I intend to incorporate several practices to maintain a healthier lifestyle. This includes planning my meals in advance, ensuring a regular eating schedule with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, practicing portion control, choosing healthier snacks, and staying properly hydrated throughout the day. Additionally, I'll limit the consumption of caffeine and sugary drinks, practice mindful eating, and aim for a well-balanced diet that provides essential nutrients for my body's well-being. These changes will contribute to a more health-conscious and balanced daily routine.

Are there any supplements or medicines you include in your daily routine to support your overall well-being? If so, could you share some details about them?

I tend to avoid medication unless the situation is particularly severe. For instance, when I experience a headache, I typically refrain from taking pain relievers until the pain reaches an almost unbearable level.

As for supplements, I occasionally take vitamins when there's a specific health concern or deficiency, and I do so under the guidance of a healthcare professional. My preference is consistently centered on prioritizing a natural and balanced approach to well-being.

In my daily routine, I don't routinely incorporate supplements or medications, as I believe in maintaining a healthy lifestyle through balanced nutrition and exercise. However, I'm open to considering supplements if a particular health need or deficiency arises, always with the guidance and approval of a healthcare professional.


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Learning and Growth

Do you dedicate time to continuous learning or self-improvement? If so, how do you go about it?

I believe continuous learning and self-improvement are essential. As a part of this commitment, I write blogs for Optimod's blog post section. I take the time to research various topics to ensure the quality and relevance of these blogs.

I also collaborate with professionals on the LinkedIn platform, where we work together on articles. This collaboration helps me stay updated on the latest trends and insights in the industry.

I actively keep an eye on the LinkedIn platform, monitoring the most recent articles and discussions. This keeps me well-informed and connected with the ever-changing world of entrepreneurship and business.

In addition, I work on various projects that often require in-depth research to ensure their success.

I also collaborate with educational institutions and connect with global entrepreneurs to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the field of entrepreneurship. This collaboration enriches my understanding and facilitates the exchange of knowledge.

Moreover, I'm currently involved in the establishment of the Optimod Education Center. This project promises to offer a wealth of educational resources. I play an active role in assessing and approving these resources as they progress through the various stages of development. This initiative holds great promise for enhancing the learning experience and promoting continuous growth and self-improvement.

Are there any specific books, podcasts, or resources you find particularly valuable?

I prefer shorter and more concise learning materials like articles and online resources over investing time in reading full-length books. Books, while undoubtedly valuable, can be time-consuming to finish. My busy schedule often encourages me to seek information and insights through more compact formats. For instance, I find that articles, blog posts, and other short-form content can deliver valuable knowledge and practical advice in a more time-efficient manner.

Online resources, including educational websites and platforms, play a pivotal role in my continuous learning journey. These platforms offer me the flexibility to access a wide array of materials on various topics, ensuring that I can stay current with the latest trends, research, and developments in the fields of business, entrepreneurship, and leadership. To illustrate, I often turn to TED Talks, LinkedIn Learning, Harvard Business Review, and publications like Entrepreneur and Fortune for a wealth of information. These resources perfectly align with my preference for efficient and accessible learning, making it convenient for me to incorporate learning into my daily routine.

Creative and Strategic Thinking

How do you nurture your creativity and approach strategic thinking in your routine?

Fostering creativity and strategic thinking is part of my daily routine. I do this by actively seeking inspiration from various sources, like articles, industry events, and conversations with professionals from diverse backgrounds. I also find moments of reflection during activities like quiet walks, morning stretches, and playful moments with my cats.

Continuous learning is crucial for staying updated and integrating fresh ideas into my strategic thinking. Collaborating with a diverse range of individuals sparks innovation and challenges my thinking.

I'm passionate about problem-solving, whether it's in my business or personal life. This practical approach enhances my strategic thinking and encourages creativity.

I remain adaptable, always open to new perspectives, and value diverse opinions. I actively engage in these practices during afternoon walks, morning stretches, and cat playtime. My open-minded approach is key to fueling my creativity and strategic thinking.

Are there any practices you follow to overcome creative blocks or decision-making challenges?

While I don't strictly follow rigid practices, I do have some go-to strategies for tackling creative blocks and decision-making challenges. One approach I find effective is changing my environment when I hit a creative wall. Whether it's stepping outside, going for a walk, or simply working in a different location, this change often offers a fresh perspective.

Mindfulness and meditation also play a significant role in my routine. They help clear my mind and enhance my focus, enabling me to address creative challenges and make decisions more effectively.

Collaboration is key for me, and I often engage with my team or partner in brainstorming sessions. These sessions allow us to generate a wide range of ideas, including unconventional ones, which frequently ignite creativity and lead to innovative solutions.

Another practice I follow is actively seeking feedback from trusted sources. External perspectives can shine a light on potential blind spots and contribute to refining my creative work and decision-making.

I also make an effort to learn from the experiences of others who have faced similar challenges. Exploring case studies, success stories, and the insights of others serves as a valuable resource for overcoming creative blocks and making informed decisions.

Incorporating these practices into my routine enhances my ability to address creative challenges and navigate decision-making effectively.

Evening Routine

How do you wind down and wrap up your workday?

As I wind down and wrap up my workday, I follow a series of rituals. First, I take a moment to review what I've achieved during the day and plan for the tasks I'll tackle the next day. It's a way to acknowledge my accomplishments and ensure I'm well-prepared for the following day.

After work, I shift my focus to personal time. This is when I engage in activities that help me disconnect from the work mindset. Sometimes, I'll enjoy a late lunch or early dinner with my partner, savoring some quality time together.

I also find satisfaction in keeping my living space tidy, so I may spend a bit of time on house cleaning. This not only provides a sense of order but also helps me relax.

Playing with my cats is a source of joy in my evenings. Their company is a great way to unwind and destress.

A late afternoon walk is another favorite activity. It allows me to step out, get some fresh air, and clear my mind.

I use this time to reflect on the day's accomplishments and challenges. It's also when I consciously unplug from work-related emails and tasks, allowing myself to recharge.

If time allows, I might indulge in a little leisure, like watching a movie. This provides a welcome change of pace and a chance to unwind.

Are there any habits or practices you follow to ensure a restful night's sleep?

I don't have any specific sleep rituals. Typically, I go to bed around midnight, have a glass of water, and brush my teeth to prepare for sleep. Before heading to the bedroom, I make sure to feed my cats and close the curtains. My partner and I might chat for a while before falling asleep, but that's the extent of our bedtime routine. I don't set an alarm clock as it's already preset to 5 am.

Tools and Software

Are there any specific productivity apps or software you believe have been instrumental in your success?

I don't rely heavily on any specific productivity apps or software; instead, I use a variety of them to some extent. Given that all of my business operations are digital and remote, technology is of paramount importance. With the continuous emergence of new technology, I anticipate that there will be even more tools and applications to streamline workflows, enhance communication, and further improve productivity in the future.

Advice and Insights

What's one piece of advice you'd give to someone striving for success in the entrepreneurial world?

One piece of advice I'd offer to someone aspiring to succeed in the entrepreneurial world is to never stop learning, discovering, and adapting. The business landscape is constantly evolving, and the ability to stay ahead and thrive relies on your capacity to acquire new knowledge, embrace change, and pivot when necessary. Continuous learning, open-mindedness, and resilience are key traits that can help you navigate the challenges and opportunities that come your way as an entrepreneur. Success often belongs to those who are agile, resourceful, and committed to self-improvement.

Additionally, believe in yourself. If you have passion and do not give up easily, you are destined to succeed. However, it won't be easy. There are many ups and downs, and it's important to get up, keep going, and learn from each experience.

Is there a specific routine or practice you wish you had started earlier in your career?

If I were to pinpoint one routine or practice I wish I had embraced earlier in my career, it would be the power of networking through platforms like LinkedIn and building personal connections. Being an introverted individual, I used to shy away from personal conflicts and conversations, but I've come to realize the immense value of these interactions in the entrepreneurial world. Building relationships, exchanging ideas, and fostering connections can open up numerous opportunities for growth and collaboration. It's something I encourage others to start as early as possible in their entrepreneurial journey.

Reflection and Adaptation

How often do you reflect on your daily routine and make adjustments? What prompts you to make changes?

I see my daily routine as a flexible framework that can adapt to my evolving needs and goals, helping me stay effective and aligned with my aspirations. I regularly reflect on my routine, typically on a weekly basis. Several factors prompt these reflections:

When I notice declines in my overall performance and productivity, I delve into my routine to identify areas that may require adjustments.

I highly value feedback from colleagues, team members, and partners. Their suggestions for improving my routines are taken seriously, and I consider making changes based on their input.

When I set new goals or face fresh challenges, I tweak my routine to align with these objectives. Different project phases may demand different routines.

My physical and mental well-being is a priority. If I spot signs of burnout or stress, I make adjustments to ensure a healthier work-life balance.

As I learn and grow, my perspective on what works best for me evolves. I'm open to trying new strategies I encounter during my continuous learning journey.

External factors, such as shifts in the business landscape or industry trends, sometimes prompt me to make changes to adapt to evolving conditions.

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